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5″ Mini Liebig Condenser – Will it work?

I built a 5 inch Liebig condenser to try and cool off the 60 C distillate I’m getting during my stripping run. The ideal solution would be to incorporate a small Liebig like this one into the design of my next liquid management still head build. In my previous stripping run video I had small puffs of vapor escaping from the hole drilled at the top of the still head (the hole is there to prevent pressure from building up). In this video, I found that adding some stainless steel mesh to the very middle of my main, double coiled condenser, solved that issue. I reckon that the puffs were simply shooting up through the middle of the condenser coil with nothing to stop it. I am pumping in about 4,880 watts during a stripping run.

Let me know if you think this Liebig will be big and beefy enough to cool 60 C distillate off at about 25 to 30 C.

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