Why use a serial monitor?
If you are having an issue with your iSpindel the serial monitor is a quick diagnostic tool you can use to see what’s going on behind the scenes. It can display error messages that give clues on what to investigate.
Different Chips
The CH340x chip is featured in the video, but the CP210x chip is becoming more popular. From the Device Manager, you can look at properties on the General and Port Settings tabs for additional information.
Collecting serial monitor logs, please help out.
If you are having an issue with your iSpindel and the issue has manifested itself in the serial log I would appreciate it if you could share the serial monitor log with me and what the fix was. I will post it here and hopefully it can help others. Please email it to me at JoeyJoeJoeJr.OSD@gmail.com.
Serial monitor outputs
Here is the serial monitor from D1 mini fresh out of the package, not soldered to anything. Please note that the “ERROR config corrupted” message goes away after the configuration page on the iSpindel access point is saved the first time.
FW 6.3.1
Worker run!
mounting FS... mounted!
ERROR: failed to load json config
ERROR config corrupted
scanning for OW device on pin: 5
No devices found!
scanning for OW device on pin: 12
No devices found!
scanning for OW device on pin: 116
No devices found!
scanning for OW device on pin: 121
No devices found!
ERROR: cannot find a OneWire Temperature Sensor!
Acc Test Connection ERROR!
offsets not available
Boot-Mode: External System
power-cycle or reset detected, config mode
ERROR no Wifi credentials
Below is a serial monitor from a fully assembled after the iSpindel configuration page is saved.
FW 6.3.1
Worker run!
mounting FS... mounted!
reading config file
parsed config:
offsets not available
Boot-Mode: Deep-Sleep Wake
woken from deepsleep, normal mode
Samples:42 min:80.24 max:81.77 time:755
x: 2858 y: 17268 z: -1188
Tilt: 81.13
Tacc: 28.17
Volt: 3.71
Temp: 28.25
Gravity: 29.10
calling Ubidots
Sender: Ubidots posting
POST /api/v1.6/devices/iSpindel000?token= HTTP/1.1
Host: things.ubidots.com
User-Agent: ESP8266
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 99
I will continue to add serial logs for issues with fixes. If you having issues that aren’t found on this website you can search through the history of issues on the official iSpindel GitHub page.