Welcome To Our Youtube Videos

Our videos are color coded so you know the content of the video before you click. The ultimate focus of the blog is to build a fully automated vodka still but we will be testing, and hopefully improving on, time-honored home distilling traditions, in an apartment setting, using modern day technology and best in class raw materials and ingredients.
- [Orange] Distilling Process, Tasting, and Spirit Making
- [Red] Equipment
- [Blue] Wash Recipes and Fermentation
- [Teal] Raspberry Pi Distilling Automation
- [Brown] Cider and All Grain Beer (just a little)

1 Comment
Artimustillz · October 15, 2023 at 10:58 AM
Your life story is truly amazing brother. It has inspired me to revive my still equipment which is already partially automated. I welcome any input as I continue my mods. I am an electrician by day and a hobby distiller at night (when I’m not trafficking Llamas in the matrix to support my cats coke habit)